Lesson 3, Topic 9
In Progress


Amr Elleithy March 24, 2022
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

In addition to the key tour components discussed above, there are many other elements that can be included in or excluded from a pre-packaged tour. Some of these components are gratuities, baggage handling, service charges and taxes.

These items can be of real value to the client, primarily because including some or all of these items simplifies the tour details from the client`s perspective. Other elements might include promotional gifts, complimentary drinks or a welcome event or reception.

Typically, these items are of less value overall to the client than the items mentioned previously.

Note: The main components of tours are transport, accommodations, itineraries, sightseeing and meals. These elements may not be included in every tour. However, they are the key ingredients for most tour recipes.

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