Membership Checkout

Important Membership Checkout Security Procedures

Username Limitations :

  • Do not use the email in the username field.
  • Do not use characters such as @ % = in the username field.
  • Do not use spaces between letters or names in the username field.

Best Practices :

  • Use your first and last names in the username field separated – or _ ex. adam-elleithy or adam_elleithy .
  • Write your e-mail in the e-mail and confirm e-mail fields.
  • Submit and confirm your checkout form.
  • Go to your e-mail inbox to validate your e-mail using recieved confirmation link.

Membership Level change

You have selected the Challengers membership level.

Challengers memberships is a free automatic sign-up level that allows members to contact each other, access travel professionals' social groups, download PDF travel documents, share their ideas on the platform wall, and most importantly get free training courses and gain rewards based on their achieved certificates and experiences.

The price for membership is EGP 0.00 now.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


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